Thursday, 6 October 2011

assignment 10

Postmodernist and ‘remix’ techniques are a vibrant part of our design culture today. Find an example of contemporary design— 2D or 3D—and post it to your blog along with a description of what techniques it utilises (i.e. historical quotation, ornamental eclecticism, wit or irony, manipulations of scale, cultural symbols etc.) and how they serve to ‘add meaning’ to the work.

Above is an example of a contemporary design of a bed frame.[1] The Dylan Modern Leather Bed, created by Andrea Lucatello for Cattelan Italia[2] is a truly innovative structure that challenges the mind of the viewer. With a futuristic take, Lucatello has manipulated the structure to create the illusion that the bed is floating.
The play on gravity and structure that the designer has created here within this piece, adds an uniqueness, and elegance to their work. With the design appearing so effortless an almost majestic aura is displayed. This aura is created through the mystery the designer has created, as the bed seems to be displaying the impossible.
This design traps the viewer, creating a desire within them to discover how this structure is possible. It is this factor that allows this bed to captures today’s society, giving them a desire to engage and interact with this interesting and unique design. I believe people will always be attracted to designs that push the boundaries of our structural beliefs, creating a sense of magic and wonder within the viewer.


[2] The collection of Cattelan Italia site;

assignment 9

1. Considering both this week’s lecture and reading,“Design and the Democratic ideal” by Jane Pavitt, respond to the following question (approximately 150 ‒ 300 words, as needed):

What kinds of political or ideological messages inform design or the branding of design today? Identify one example and describe in what ways it expresses larger cultural, political, or ideological beliefs.


I believe that all designs and brandings within our world today contain an element of a political or ideological message.

The image above is one of a fur coat. Fur coats are very controversial within our world today, with people having very different views concerning them. Real fur coats, though some deem to be fashionable are on a large majority to be seen as cruelty to the animals. The design of this item of clothing brings about a debate between the cruelty towards animals and simply being ‘fashion forward’. This topic is a very touchy one among our society today, with many people holding strong views for and against it.

This design of a fur coat allows people to display their views on this diverse topic of animal cruelty. Simply wearing this item of clothing in our world today produces an aura. This aura is then seen as either negative or positive depending on the viewer’s point of view. Furthermore the design and use of this item of clothing gives individuals the ability to express their ideological beliefs concerning animals.